Cheryl’s Hope Story

The story of hope below, is from a resident at House of Cherith. House of Cherith is a trauma-informed care residential recovery program providing a safe place for survivors of sexual trafficking and exploitation and those who have been employed in the sex entertainment industry. House of Cherith serves single ladies, women with children, and minors ages 11-18. While providing a loving and nurturing environment, House of Cherith prepares residents for long-term sobriety and success. As an organization, House of Cherith offers resources and tools for restoring the heart so life can become whole, wounds can heal, new opportunities become evident, and hope is restored. The primary mission of House of Cherith is to empower survivors to reclaim their dignity and self-worth, renew their faith in humanity, and rekindle their passion for a lifetime of success. For more information about House of Cherith and to support their services, visit

From Hope in Empty Places.

From early childhood, Cheryl Brennon’s life was a battlefield of sexual abuse and violence. Those supposed to love and protect her sold her into the terrifying world of sex trafficking. To say she felt constantly surrounded by danger is a vast understatement. Cheryl was a commodity for the gain of others. She lived in constant fear, lost and alone. Cheryl felt hopeless.

“I spent most days wishing I was dead for the first 17 years of my life. I was so desperate to end the pain that I did anything to stop it, including using drugs,” Cheryl admits. 

With no image of a protective father in her mind or heart, it’s not surprising that Cheryl shunned God for many years.

“I ran as hard as I could away from God. I felt like I had to prove to God that I didn’t need him. After all the deaths, trauma, neglect, and abandonment in my youth, I’d developed resentment and hatred for God.”

 Yet amid that hatred and resentment, the God of love and compassion wrapped His arms around Cheryl through the open door of the House of Cherith*. This ministry provides safe houses and counseling services to serve sex-trafficking survivors struggling to recover from years, or even decades, of trauma. (The average age a child enters the sex trade in the United States is 12 to 14 years old. Like Cheryl, approximately 40 percent of victims of trafficking are recruited by immediate family members or close family friends.)

The open arms of Christ-followers at House of Cherith rescued Cheryl with God’s love and protection, infusing her with something far more powerful than fear—hope. God gave Cheryl rest on every side. She was no longer surrounded by danger; she was protected in the arms of God who sees her as a priceless treasure, not a commodity.

“Me trying to drive him out of my life completely ultimately led me right into His grace & mercy,” Cheryl says. “I was able to heal, which is what I had searched for my whole life. I no longer feel surrounded by the enemy. I feel protected and cherished by God.”


Hope Filled Scripture